Monday, September 29, 2008

one simple statement

I love my Papa and my Papa loves me.
(Papa God that is)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

my kitties need a new home

ok so we have 2 pure white cats they are 3 years old, and very cuddley. but we have to get rid of them. they are of course litter trained. one is male one is female, they are spayed and neudered (don't know how to spell that) both are declawed. this is hard for us we really want a good home for them. i will take any advice you have. and spred the word
big red

Friday, September 5, 2008

more help please

also how do i change my picture?

I don't do computers

ok so i hate computers, yep i said it. i get sooooo frustrated doing , or lets say tring to do things, for instance, i was tring to get (the ruda family blog) to be on my page so i don't have to go threw my sisters to read it among other's. well after 20 min and still no luck. i have come to the conclusion I HATE COMPUTERS. don't forget i am the one who's sister set up my acct, like a month or 2 ago, but did not blog cause i could not get on my own page, things should be simpler for the computer challenged. help.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Oh, so this is how it works

ok so i am not so good with computers to say the least. ask my sister and she will tell you. and laugh at me i am sure. so now that i finially know my password here i am. now what to say?
i am recovering from a long weekend with my in -laws including my sister-in-law and her fiance, all staying in my house, now that should be enough for any person to endure, but i also had my oldest son's birthday party. and well my in-laws here for 4 days. now i do love my in-laws don't get me wrong, i just like my house to be clean, me to be the only mom to my kids. and not to feel like everything i do as a mom is wrong, and she (mother in law)can do better. so my house is a mess and it took me 4 hours to ballence my check book and do budget. who has time for that? ugh.
ok so to explain our names, i am big red, (shocker) my husband is speedy (he is the slowest man i know, and i really think that when he knows i am in a hurry he moves slower on purpose) Roo is my oldest son (my sister came up with that name and it stuck) and last but definately not least Little Hawk my youngest (Amanda came up with this one too.)
and to my favorite sister in the whole world, thanks Amanda for just being you. i love you even though you were adopted. :)