Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Oh, so this is how it works

ok so i am not so good with computers to say the least. ask my sister and she will tell you. and laugh at me i am sure. so now that i finially know my password here i am. now what to say?
i am recovering from a long weekend with my in -laws including my sister-in-law and her fiance, all staying in my house, now that should be enough for any person to endure, but i also had my oldest son's birthday party. and well my in-laws here for 4 days. now i do love my in-laws don't get me wrong, i just like my house to be clean, me to be the only mom to my kids. and not to feel like everything i do as a mom is wrong, and she (mother in law)can do better. so my house is a mess and it took me 4 hours to ballence my check book and do budget. who has time for that? ugh.
ok so to explain our names, i am big red, (shocker) my husband is speedy (he is the slowest man i know, and i really think that when he knows i am in a hurry he moves slower on purpose) Roo is my oldest son (my sister came up with that name and it stuck) and last but definately not least Little Hawk my youngest (Amanda came up with this one too.)
and to my favorite sister in the whole world, thanks Amanda for just being you. i love you even though you were adopted. :)


Krazy Klingers said...

You are the only one who is in denial that you are really the one who was adopted. I mean come on...You look nothing like me! hahaha

Kelli said...

I can understand the whole MIL thing.

Glad to see you blogging!

Mrs. C said...

I love the names! Speedy and your explanation of it made me laugh. I so needed that this morning.

Promises said...

Your names are so great - the speedy name made me laugh! So glad that you are blogging - now, I will be able to get to know you a little better through your blog! BTW - I loved the video that your sister put on her blog - you guys look like you were having a blast!